Tous les glyphes Heroscape
Glyphes du C3V
Glyph of Brandar (Artifact) : The rules for this Glyph vary, depending on the Scenario.
Glyph of Dagmar (Initiative +8) : When you roll for initiative, add 8 to your die roll.
Glyph of Rannveig (Wind) : All figures with the Flying Special Power lose this power and cannot Fly while a figure is standing on the Glyph of Rannveig.
Glyph of Yadulkia (Disengage) : Your figures are never attacked when leaving an engagement.
Glyph of Xenithrax Vines (Vines) (X3) : If a Huge figure moves onto this Glyph, this Glyph is immediately removed from the battlefield and that figure may continue its movement.
Figures standing on this Glyph roll 1 fewer attack die and 2 fewer defense dice. When a figure on this Glyph moves off of the Glyph, roll one attack die.
If you roll a skull, that figure takes one wound. Remove this Glyph from the battlefield after a figure moves off of it, or at the end of the round if a figure is standing on it.
Glyph of Felaron (Glyph Removal) : Remove any other Glyph from the battlefield.
Glyph of Haukeland (Healing) : When one of your figures stops here, you may remove up to 3 Wound Markers from across any of your Army Cards.
Glyph of Mitonsoul (Massive Curse) : When a figure lands on this Glyph, all players must roll the 20 sided die for all their own figures. If a 1 is rolled, than that figure is destroyed. On a 2 or higher, that figure is safe.
Glyph of Quillivon (Sudden Movement) : Choose up to 3 of your figures other than the one on this Glyph. You may move each of the chosen figures up to 5 spaces.